APSRからのお知らせ~ Respirology Case Reports 投稿時のJRS会員割引適用画面の変更について
日本呼吸器学会 会員の皆様へ
この度APSR(アジア太平洋呼吸器学会)の月刊誌であるRespirology Case Reportsの投稿システムがリニューアルされました。当会会員は投稿時50%オフが適用となっておりますが、その際の会員確認方法が変わりました。
≫APSRユーザー登録案内ページ https://www.jrs.or.jp/login/?/member/apsr/
*呼吸器学会の「ユーザー名(ID番号):会員番号 5桁半角」と「パスワード:生年月日 西暦8桁半角」で入力し、ページ内のリンクよりご登録ください。
Announcement for the JRS members:
Dear members of the Japanese Respiratory Society,
We are pleased to let you know that Respirology Case Reports is currently transitioning to Wiley's Research Exchange submission portal.
The new portal is designed to be more user-friendly to the authors and assist with their submissions to the journal.
Members of the Asian Pacific Society of Respirology continue to benefit from a 50%-member-discount on the open access publication fee for case reports, case series and clinical trial protocols submitted to Respirology Case Reports.
To benefit from the discount, all members of the Asian Pacific Society of Respirology (including members of the Japanese Respiratory Society) will need to provide their current APSR membership number at submission to benefit from the APSR member discount.
If you have not yet obtained your APSR membership number, you can easily get one using the following link.
To improve their submission experience, authors also should use our new submission templates and forms available in our author guidelines.
Authors should follow the instructions on our submission website and submit their new submissions to our new portal. For revisions, authors should check the decision letter for specific instructions, including which submission portal they should use.
If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us at the Editorial office: respcasereports@resphealth.uwa.edu.au
We look forward to continuing to receive submission from you and thank you for your support of the Journal,
Kindest regards,
Christel Norman
Managing Editor
Respirology Case Reports Editorial Office