APSRからのお知らせ~ EOI invitation for APSR members to the Annual Congress of the Indonesian Society of Respirology
日本呼吸器学会 会員の皆様へ
EOI invitation for APSR members to the Annual Congress of the Indonesian Society of Respirology The ISR invites EOIs from suitably qualified APSR members to self nominate as potential APSR Speakers (up to two) to the ISR - APSR Joint Symposium at Pertemuan Ilmiah Khusus (PIK; Specific Scientific Meeting of Indonesian Society of Respirology) Indonesian Society of Respirology in conjunction with 2nd Indonesian Chronic Lung Disease International Meeting (ICLIME). Each APSR sponsored Speaker will provide a brief (1000 word or less) report which will be added to a new webpage which will capture the collaborative history of these joint sessions for the future. This joint symposium is held on online, so the APSR provides complimentary registration for the APSR Congress 2022 in Seoul to the selected speakers instead of the travel cost.