
APSRからのお知らせ~Deadline Extended! Announcement of APSR Multi-Country Research Project


日本呼吸器学会 会員の皆様へ



The application deadeline has been extended!
New deadeline: 23:59 GMT+ 9, 7 July 2020

Dear APSR Assembly members,

I'm writing to you to announce our new project "APSR Multi-Country Research Project".

"APSR Multi-Country Research Project" was agreed to launch in 2020 at Executive Committee Meeting in Hanoi.

If you are interested in applying for the project, in accordance with the guideline, please complete the application form and return to education@theapsr.org by 23:59 GMT+ 9, 7 July 2020 30 June 2020.

To promote the research activities of APSR assemblies

Any APSR assembly member team of more than one country of Asia Pacific region

Two years
Two years of fund support & research and
Report of the results in APSR annual meeting next year

Number of applicants per team
At least 4 members per team

Funds available
US $50,000 per year (US $100,000 in total for two years)

Scoring Criteria
Purpose of the research (10%)
Background and necessity of the research (20%)
(Aligning to WHO urgent health challenges will be considered.)
Methodology of the research (30%)
Novelty of the research (20%)
Ability to perform the research (20%)
(Track record of the team will be assessed.)

Selection of awardee will be evaluated by Research committee members, and final selection will be determined by executive committee.

Application form (attached)

February 2020 : Announcement of the project to APSR Assembly members
30 June 2020 23:59 GMT +9, 7 July 2020 : Application deadline
31 August 2020 : Reviews deadline (Research committee)
September 2020 : Final decision by executive committee
October 2020 : Announcement of the selection

Thank you.

Best regards,

Young Whan Kim
Chair of APSR Research Committee